SLASSCOM is the Industry body representing Software and Services Companies in Sri Lanka. TechKids is an initiative by SLASSCOM to encourage and support tech education in the country. Thousands of students learn at 50+ existing code clubs around the country. Join us to demonstrate your superpowers to the world.
Level 01 December Intake 2022 Now Open
Scratch + HTML+Micro:Bits
Scratch + Phython+Micro:Bits
Python + HTML+Micro:Bits
Python + CSS
Stage 01
Level 00
This level provides students with the fundamental knowledge in basic computer base applications and educates them on its core concepts which help them to climb the levels successfully.
Stage 02
Level 02
This level provides students with the fundamental knowledge in computer-based programming and educates them on its core concepts. Moreover, the program also provides hands on experience on WordPress , Canva and Scratch tools

Stage 03
Level 03
This level provides students with the fundamental knowledge in web design and development and also introduction to MicroBit
Stage 04
Level 04
This level provides students with the intermediate knowledge in computer programming and game development. Moreover, the program also provides hands on experience on Stencyl and processing softwares.

Stage 05
Level 05
This level provides students with the fundamental knowledge in Internet of Things and artificial Intelligence
10-16 Year old students (Grade 5-Grade 11)
Word, Excel, Scratch, MicroBit, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, WordPress, Python & Python AI, Canva, Photoshop, Stencil, Processing, Rasberry Pi, Networking, Cyber Security
In Class, Online, Distance Learning
Theory, Practical, Projects, Workshop, Exhibits
English / Sinhala
Every student will receive a certificate for each level of completion including SLASSCOM certificate. An annual awards ceremony takes place at the end of the year and all students are awarded certificates and recognised for their outstanding growth.
Every student will be subjected to a one-off new student registration fee of LKR 1,000. We provide a paid trial class option for this course to help you assure whether our coding classes are up to standard. For further information of payments, feel free to contact our course coordinator via our hotline +9474 080 7306.